aku adalah angin...

as free as the wind...

ever had the feeling that u were leading another life parallel to urs, a double life?

ever had that feeling that u spent most of ur life living in so many different masks sehingga kau tak kenal lagi siapa diri kau yg sebenarnya?

ever had the feeling that u have played suatu watak utk tempoh yg terlalu lama, long enuf to be unsure who is the real u?

ever had the feeling like u're becoming the worst version of ur own self? a self that has keeps on perpetuating by persepsi orang2 di sekeliling?

ok… maybe that's a little too drastic, let's take it down to something yg lebey mudah.

ever lived ur life wearing two (or could be more) faces? one which pple expect u to be and another who u are supposed to be or who u wanna be?

perfect husbands.

faithful wives.

anak soleh/solehah.

ibu mithali.

bapa sejati.

pekerja dedikasi.

penchenta abadi.

perendu setia.

happy couples.

damn sweet lovers.

freaking hot babes.

effing cool gentlemen.

educated academicians.

fucking smart persons.

devoted best of friends.

u name it all.

the sad truth is… i do have that feeling.

tapi, aku percaya, hampir setiap org berselindung behind one of those stupid masks.

dan aku jugak percaya, semua org throughout their lives wear the masks of un-truth to protect themselves… from pple and even from their own selves. however, ada sesetengah golongan that are forced to play constant roles that are not themselves. samada for a greater good or a needful purpose, they need to play those roles day in day out. but there comes a time when the line between those roles and the life u lead jadik blur. and when that happens… u're in trouble. u’ll know what i mean, if u ever been there.

now comes the BIG question:


...so pple, if u happen to read this, which mask are u wearing at this very moment?

2 sings along...:

eh! blog awk bkn ker tjuk dia picisanku? nape bertukar plak? heheh eh! alamak! bhasa omputih plak? xtau nk komen ape... hehehe

hehe, silap orang kot?