aku adalah angin...

as free as the wind...

right about now pple are making resolutions for the new year. some couldn’t be bothered for fear of making rash idealistic resolutions too difficult to achieve. others figure out vague resolutions like 'i will stop being a bad person' dan mcm2 lagilah.

aku? entah. takde kot. maybe i’ll just take the middle ground and work on something i think i can achieve.

yeah, basically mcm tu la my resolutions walaupun sesekali terasa mcm nak jugak ada a specific one or two that may sound incredible or ridiculously impossible. tapi, if anyone find out kang, they’d call me foolish la, naive la, or even being over-idealistic.

selalunya mcm tu lah. kalau share dgn kengkawan, they might just politely agree and support despite their doubts. kalau bgtau parents they might discourage pulak for fear of the hurt i might feel should i fail (mak je lah kot, papa selalu support jek).

aaaand, the society in which aku idop nih isn’t much kinder – most opinions are steamrolled over by the larger and more influential general consensus.

that’s the general problem dgn mentality org melayu.

the more u push, the more it pushes back. so, the only way is to quietly keep it to myself and prepare. lie nonchalantly when the words of doubts and discouragement fly overhead, gitu.

but when the right opportunity comes by harap2 i’ll be ready to grab it by its horns and never look back.

harapnya lah...

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