aku adalah angin...

as free as the wind...

"there is nothing i can do but listen. no, u never alone, dear. i cannot imagine the torture u must be going thru, but i will always watch ur back. this is just another battle we have to fight and i don't have any answers and neither do u. but we both know we'll find a way regardless."

as i put the phone down, i thought hard about my own plight, trying to push the images of desire far away from my mind. sekuat mana pun cuba bertahan, i'm still human and one way or another, i am going to falter in my step regardless. as much as i want what i want, some mistakes when done cannot be undone. and i already lost two pple yg in a way dah beri kesan sgt besar dlm hidup aku. as for her, with dangerous game afoot, she stands to lose love of her life if she doesn't thread carefully.

dan aku, can only pray and pray and pray for her.

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