aku adalah angin...

as free as the wind...

bukan mudah untuk melangsung kehidupan tanpa resah gundah when u have no idea bila masa itu akan benar2 sampai.
bukan mudah untuk terus bernafas seperti manusia normal laen when u don't know how it will strike u with fatal blow.
bukan mudah untuk menghargai setiap detik dan saat when u have to keep watching ur own back.

like a prisoner on death row, the end could come at any time.

i dont want this dream to end, but the inevitable has to come to pass as setiap mimpi tak kira indah atau mengerikan harus berakher saat fajar menjelang.

it's just a matter of whether or not the nightmare will take its place as expected.

and the clock is ticking, it always does.

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