dance the streams of the stars in the darkness of the night...
wish your dreams no matter how far would be true and shine so bright.
dance the streams of the stars in the darkness of the night...
but just for once i'm allowing myself one small regret to the pple that were there for me, espeshli the one who stood by me until he could not stand no longer. for both in the past and the future. hard as i am, it is one thing i will always look back to and regret with every part of my heart, these people were the paths that would take me to a different place, the place where i wish i could be but can't. it is that which i have to regretfully decline and one i have to live with, every waking moment of my day.
well… back to work. shouldn't be too hard this time, but then again i better not let any insecurities catch me at the last moment. so all the more to be prepared… onward to the subjects i have to study…
'Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.' - Cyril Connolly -