aku adalah angin...

as free as the wind...

bukan berniat to go totally out on the egotistical limb here, but i think in all my life i've been the living diary and emotional shoulder for many pple. in all the time that i have always stood by those i care for, stood by those i dowan to see suffer the same things i do. tak kira mcmana pun, i've always found some strength to pass on to others. strength, faith and maybe some hope that pple need to walk over those moments when u wish u weren't around to live it.

pple always think that i'm funny and spontaneous.

and i have always found it easy to talk to pple that way. it's like whenever my brain registers that someone has something troubling their mind, i immediately put everything aside to make sure they have my full attention. i say the right words at the right time and as a friend said to me, 'shit beb, u're kinda freaking crazy bzbody, yet u're always cool and comforting lah...'.

ye ke?

so the real question is just this really.

why is it everytime i talk to him, i can't be that particular person?

i just wanna know why of all pple in the world, i can't talk to him with the same casual smoothness i do with everyone else, or at least in that same frame of mind.

i just wanna know why of all the guys in the world, all the pple i've been there for as me, i can't be who i'm strongest as around just him. i say the absolute wrong things at the wrong time. and i certainly feel like my chest is about to explode everytime i hear his voice. hasilnya, bercakap tergagap2 merapu mcm org bodoh coz everytime we talk, seems like all the voices in my head, the workload of my problems and the fractured pieces of my life just spills out into one ugly mess of attitude and words.

are relationships of this magnitude always the source of ur greatest strength and also the cause of ur greatest weakness?

if so, that's just sad if it wasn't so ironic.

when she asked my advice tentang masalah perchentaan dia dgn ustaz, well, i did what i always do best. bagi nasehat like a pro!

i told her that love is something that can never vanish from one's heart. once u fall in love, then u are in love with no doubt and question. once a person falls in love with u, never let them go. but if such barriers occur in the lovelife later on, say u give up and he doesnt… and u have done ur part to fight the love back but still u're emotionally exhausted, both of u have nothing else to do but to keep praying to God and be patience. the love is always there, if u're accept the hurt, pain and torture… maybe.

hell i didnt know apa yg aku merepekkan.
i guess only my last piece jek yg make sense,
sila sabar macam Nabi...

satu frasa yang bisa celik menjadi buta
yang dengar menjadi tuli
yang waras menjadi gila
yang berduka menjadi suka

satu jiwa
satu rasa
satu rahsia
dimana indahnya kepada yang dicintai

di mana moleknya bagi yang mencintai

kata yang senang diungkap
namun sukar dimengerti
cinta itu satu rahmat
satu hakikat
satu kemestian

ia tidak mempunyai harga
kerana tak ternilai harganya
kadang cinta yang baru disemai merupakan cinta abadi
berbanding cinta penuh janji terpatri

cinta abadi
cinta hakiki

cinta sejati

nama yang tidak asing lagi
namun tidak menyedari kehendak hati yang sunyi dan sepi

cinta abadi satu rasa yang terlalu suci
namun cinta hakiki membuatkan tergadai maruah diri
cinta suci seperti cinta abadi
tak semestinya bersatu di dunia realiti

yang rentak muziknya pincang sekali!!!

padamkan saja tulisan2 itu dari buku hati...

yaaaa... kalau semudah tu, dah lama aku buat.
tapi, nak padam macamana kalau buku tu dah terlalu tebal, malah berkilo2 beratnya?
nak buang satu huruf pun susah, apalagi nak dihapus semuanya?

lain lah hati tu mcm program komputer.
ada fungsi 'Control+Alt+Del' atau 'Delete All', or kalau buat salah, cepat2 klik UNDO!!!

perjalanan itu
melelahkan raganya
juga jiwanya
saat disedari
jalan semakin berliku
langit semakin kelam
lalu dia pun jatuh
terpekur dalam tangis berpanjangan

malam terasa sepi
hati terasa gundah
aku yang larut dalam putaran waktu
kini diburu khilaf masa lalu

hidup ini membawaku ke dalam permainan
menggapai mimpi dan mengejar keinginan
aku hanyut dalam hayal dan lamunan
sedang waktu terus bergulir ke depan

kepadamu Mu tuhan ku
setiap sujudku
setiap doaku
semua baktiku
hanya untuk Mu aku tertuju

Tuhan maaf aku sering kealpaan
Tuhan maaf aku sering melanggar batas yang kau berikan
Tuhan kuatkan jiwa dan iman
Tuhan bimbingku jalani kehidupan

Tuhan kepadamu semua harap ku tertuju
Tuhan satu pinta dari nurani ku dan keinginanku
bimbinglah jiwa gelap ini menuju jalan Mu
jalan menuju taqwa dan Firdaus Mu

aroma subuh terbau indah
ketika mentari masih bermalas di peraduan
sebuah hati diam di sudut bisu
cuba mengerti makna yang terjadi

hati itu bertanya
benarkah rasa ini cinta
semua mempesona
semua bahagia
saat terlarut di dalamnya

menyegarkan seperti titis embun pagi
memberi nuansa menyegarkan diri
menghadiah bahagia di lubuk hati
ibarat terbang melayang di langit jauh dari bumi

tapi benar seperti embun
suci, dingin sejernih mutiara
hadir sepertiga malam

sekejap dan seketika hanya
terbuai dalam fana

sebuah cinta bagai embun
berlalu di saat fajar tiba
selamat jalan embun hati...

tapi cinta ini bukan embun!!!

i want your warmth
but i know
it will only make me colder
when it's over

puas dia menghindar
namun rindu ini selalu mengganggu

semua rasa yang tercipta
telah diberikan pada nya
walau semua tak membawa makna

terlarut dalam rasa yang membelenggu
saat tersedar bayang itu kian menjauh
dia lelah bertahan
melawan keinginan yang tumbuh di hati
pada usia menjelang senja
hanya itulah satunya cinta
yang pernah singgah dijiwa.

i am sick and tired.

sick and tired of fighting hard on all sides.

sick and tired of trying to hard to be accepted.

sick and tired of being hurt at every waking moment.

sick and tired of being caught in nightmares every single night.

sick and tired of standing by watching helplessly as things fall apart.

sick and tired of being the only person who can take care of herself.

sick and tired of waiting for something good to happen.

sick and tired of seeing people quit on themselves.

sick and tired of trying to be strong.

sick and tired of moving on alone.

sick and tired of everything.

dia hanya manusia biasa
pemilik sekeping hati
pendukung sebuah rasa
yang tertuju hanya untuk nya

dia hanya manusia biasa
yang tak bisa menawarkan syurga
tak mungkin bersama terbang ke angkasa
kerana yang dia punya hanya cinta

dia hanya manusia biasa
yang tak dapat menembus ruang waktu
untuk melihat nya dengan mata
untuk bertemu dengan nyata
berdepan dengan seluruh pancaindera
tapi dia selalu punya rindu
yang tertuju hanya untuk nya

dia hanya manusia biasa
cintanya hanya cinta biasa
rindunya juga mungkin tidak bernilai
tapi cinta yang dipegang selalu kukuh
rindu yang digenggam kian utuh
diyakini tak terganti hingga akhir waktu
kerana cintanya hanya satu
hanya untuk nya...

Have you ever been in love
You could touch the moonlight
When your heart's shooting stars
You're holding heaven in your arms
Have you ever been so in love

Have you ever walked on air
Ever felt like you were dreamin'
When you never thought it could
But it really feels that good
Have you ever been so in love

Have you ever been in love
You could touch the moonlight
When your heart's shooting star
You're holding heaven in your arms
Have you ever been in love, have you...

The time I spent
Waiting for something that was heaven-sent
When you find it don't let go,
I know

Have you ever said a prayer
And found that it was answered
All my hope has been restored
And I ain't looking anymore
Have you ever been so in love, have you...

Some place that you ain’t leavin’
Somewhere you're gonna stay
When you finally found the meanin'
Have you ever felt this way

The time I spent
Waiting for something that was heaven-sent
When you find it, don't let go,
I know...

Coz have you ever been so in love, so in love
You could touch the moonlight
You can even reach the stars
Doesn't matter near or far
Have you ever been so in love

Have you ever been in love
Have you ever been in love
So in... love...

but in real life, i'm still praying...

why is sometimes when i try to do the right thing...
i end up causing more problems for myself than i could ever imagine?

becoz selflessness doesn't pay, but pple do it anyway becoz it’s the right thing to do.

why is always that the good pple always die on me...
but the assholes keep going on and on?

becoz they’ve accomplished their life’s mission (to be good) sooner than everyone else and are heading to their reward in heaven.

why is it sometimes when i can be surrounded by pple all my life...
i feel nothing but the empty dark of nothingness.

becoz those pple aren’t the right ones to surround urself with.

why is it just when i think i found someone i can relate to...
i find out that someone's heart belongs to someone else??

becoz u’re there in his life to open his eyes and see that the girl he's after doesn't mean to be with him.

such is life. such is the irony in the scale that my life is.

then again… it's the life that you are living in, dear.

nyata hatinya tak bisa berdusta
meski keras dicuba melupakan nya
tetap tak bisa terhapus semua
setulus rasa telah diberikan pada nya

sekelumit pun takkan disesali
setiap saat dinikmati penuh erti
walau jalan yang ditempuh
kian menjauh

saat ini dia menghindari
namun hati tak bisa memungkiri
maafkan aku terlalu mencintaimu
dan aku mencintaimu kerana hatiku mencintaimu
hatinya merintih pilu

walaupun selalu lelah memendam rasa
tapi perihlah yang membuatnya bahagia
lantaran tega dia menjaga rasa hati
hingga saat nafas terhenti
hanya untuk nya...

i was just sitting here when an awful thought struck me...

...i don't know what i want from life.

Twentysomething - Jamie Cullum

After years of expensive education
a car full of books, and anticipation
I'm an expert on Shakespeare, and that's a hell of a lot
but the world don't need scholars as much as I thought

Maybe I'll go travelling for a year,
finding myself, or start a career
i could work with the poor, though I'm hungry for fame
we all seem so different, but we're just the same

Maybe I'll go to the gym, so I don't get fat
all things are easy, with a tight six-pack
who knows the answers, who do you trust
I can't even separate love from lust

Maybe I'll move back home, and pay off my loans,
working nine to five, answering phones
don't make me live for my friday nights,
drinking eight pints and getting in fights

I don't want to get up, just let me lie in
leave me alone, I'm a twentysomething

Maybe I'll just fall in love, that could solve it all,
philosophers say that that's enough
there surely must be more, ooh

Love aint the answer, nor is work,
the truth deludes me, so much it hurts,
but I'm still having fun and I guess that the key,
I'm a twentysomething and I'll keep bein' me

I'm a twentysomething, let me lie in,
leave me alone, I'm a twentysomething